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    comma health is brought to you by Group Benefit Partners

    Wellness and Data Analytics

    Improve Health Outcomes While Driving Down Costs

    The integrated wellness solutions within the comma health program are intelligently designed to help improve the health of  your employees by offering a slew of valuable wellness tools and benefits, and incentives for using them.  This powerful tool also provides employers with a leading-edge data analytics platform that combines medical and pharmacy claims utilization with biometric screening results to  predict health plan risk, and tailor programs and incentives aimed at controlling future costs for all stakeholders.  Wellnelytics also increases the health of your local communities by utilizing and interpreting your data to create targeted community education and awareness programs.

    You also benefit from the innovating engine behind Wellnelytics, Health Solutions, Inc.

    The data engine behind Wellnelytics is Health Solutions, Inc., a leader in the industry and an innovator who has done with wellness, what others have failed to do – deliver a true return on your investment.  While data analytics is a crucial piece of their business, they were truly founded as a wellness solutions provider, and have a history of providing employers with programs that can impact employees in a number of powerful ways.


    Within the comma health program, Health Solutions will work with the resources available at your local community hospital to tailor a wellness program that fits your culture and objectives. The wellness landscape is changing, and the team at Health Solutions is leading the pack when it comes to offering data-driven programs that can truly deliver a return on your wellness investment. Working with the resources currently available within your local community is the essence behind this entire program, and encompassing wellness concepts at the community level will help your population thrive.